What if the back pain?

The pain

The pain in the back – one of the biggest complaints of the patients. It often happens that the pain in the lumbar region or the thoracic spine occurs on the background of the disease, is not directly related with the back. In this regard, when the pain in the back is very important the correct diagnosis based on the testimony of a patient and special studies.

The causes of back pain can be:

  • inflammatory disease of the spine;
  • injuries;
  • the diseases of the internal organs;
  • excess weight;
  • of pregnancy.
  • neurological diseases;
  • poor posture, flat feet;
  • is not defined by the standards and stereotypical of the year.

The nature of the pain, and the events that preceded his appearance, will assist you to make the correct diagnosis. The back pain may appear after a fall or trauma. Available raw damage, which involves the receipt of analgesics and introspection in a period of 12 hours. If the pain is not passed, it is advisable to consult a doctor. If hampered by movements of the limbs, feeling of tingling or loss of sensation of them happened spontaneously voiding or emptying of the intestine is one of the symptoms of spinal cord injury, requiring immediate hospitalization.


The pain in the lower back above the area of the waist, accompanied by a temperature and feeling unwell, can be the sign of a kidney infection and requires an emergency call to the clinic.

Back pain is often increased with the years, bring it to stillness. The possible causes are low back pain, herniated disc and protruding discs, reduce the elasticity of the cartilage. If the pain started after physical exercises, housework, lifting of weight, it may be in the pull of the muscles or ligaments, as well as in the displacement of spinal discs, and nerve. On the background of already available diseases of the spine of the likelihood of such cases increases.

Treatment of pain in the back

The pain treatment is always complex, which includes the following methods:

  • the receipt of analgesics, the suppression of inflammatory processes;
  • the physiotherapy, manual therapy;
  • massage, physiotherapy;
  • of healthy conditions of work and leisure;
  • power supply designed to reduce weight and obtain the nutrients necessary for the maintenance of elasticity of muscles, ligaments, cartilages.

In some acute cases may require surgery.

The prevention of back pain


For the prevention of back pain you want to keep under control a number of factors. First of all, you need to provide a comfortable place to sleep, and work.

Drawback of bed or a chair lead to a reversal of the load on the spine. Preferably, choose a rug, pillows and chairs. Avoid exposure to cold, which can cause inflammation.

If your work is in relation with physical activity, try to produce the least possible effect on the operations of the inclination of the front. To lift an object that is better to sit down the back straight. He should monitor his weight and try to keep it within the framework of the standard age, in order not to overload the spine.

Necessarily engage in a physical activity, especially swimming, which form the muscles without too much stress on the joints. Wear good shoes, which will prevent the very poor, the load on the foot and the musculoskeletal system in general.

If you have the counter back pain please contact your doctor. Remember that only a comprehensive study of the detection of common chronic diseases will be able to give a good clinical picture and will assign an appropriate treatment. The compliance of the data by the physician of the recommendations in a timely manner of the taking of medication and the course of special procedures, you quickly come back to normal life.