Why sore back muscles

The muscle pain in the back can be due to trauma, sprains, myositis, or degenerative disc disease of the spine. There are other reasons, but these are the leaders. We propose to examine in more detail. In fact, the treatment of pain in the muscles of the back may not be effective without correct and timely eliminate the factors that cause it.

So, we'll start with what you have sore back muscles after a physical effort. It may be basic fatigue, or exposure to extreme loads if it is poorly prepared to the formation of muscle tissue. In order to prevent this condition in the future, it is recommended to:

Harm to the muscles of the back
  • spend necessarily complete the workout with stretching exercises of muscles and tendons;
  • adhere to the water diet (drink a sufficient amount of fluid in the periods of intense physical activity, because dehydration of the muscle fibers leads to a risk of development of tears microscopic and the accumulation of lactic acid);
  • intensify the physical burdens as the strengthening and preparation of the muscle fibers;
  • do (at least in a first time), under the direction of an experienced instructor.

If you have already appeared the muscle pain in the back, you should immediately stop the physical activity. Attach to the wound the cold on 2 - 3 hours. After that, use the menus to the warming ointments that improve blood circulation device. If you are sure that sprains and small tears of muscles, you can apply heat and make a warm compress. The pain in the back muscles in the sport of overload, is normally within 3 to 5 days. If you don't have better, it is possible to ask for medical help.

In the clinic of manual therapy, you can take advantage of the massage services. The therapeutic massage will speed up the recovery process of the muscle tissue and prepare them for the future of physics.

Other causes of pain in the back muscles

There are other causes of pain in the muscles of the back. It may be the disease of the spine, associated with disorders of posture, or of the destruction of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs. Meet the pathologies associated with the deposition of salts, the formation of osteophytes, and other causative factors of the deformity.

Osteochondrosis of the pain in the back muscles occur in the acute phase. It is the reflex of the process of the tension of the muscle fibres, through which the body attempts to compensate for the work load and to provide a relative peace affected the division of the vertebral column. This causes tension and pain in the muscles, that support one or the other department of the vertebral column.

Back Massage

Particularly intense muscle pain in the back cause propellant and of the herniated disc. These diseases lead to injuries and pain the nerve. On the bottom of this pathogenesis develops sciatica and sciatica (inflammation of the nervous tissue). Damaged innervation and constriction of blood vessels in the conditions of swelling of the soft tissues only aggravate the situation.

Another common cause of muscle pain in the back - myositis. This disease is characterized by inflammatory processes, aseptic etiology in muscle tissue. Occurs on the background of the impact of air currents, the aggravation of certain chronic diseases, muscle injury, for example, at the time of impact.

During prolonged exposure to traumatic stress, including infectious factors and intercostal nerve terminals occurs neuralgia with pain of the muscle fibers. Intercostal neuralgia is different is the unilateral location and pain, which is enhanced during deep inspiration.

Treating muscle pain in the back

If you are experiencing muscle pain in the back, the treatment must begin with a differential diagnosis of the disease. In function of the delivered the final diagnosis, you can resort to the methods of traditional medicine.

At the myositis, sprains and tendon of the device, the intercostal neuralgia can you do the therapeutic massage, reflexology, a special complex exercise. In total, this will restore health and to proceed with the continuation of athletic training.