Pain in the lower back on the left: causes, treatment

Probably not in the world a man who, at least once in his life felt pain in the back and the lumbar region. According to the medical statistics, the complaints of pain in the back, occupy the second place after respiratory viral infections in the world. Back pain can be caused by many factors: someone has these events are related to pathology congenital, others are the result of certain diseases or injuries. In all cases, the person is not self-give medications, as it may lead to a deterioration of the state and the development of serious complications.

Generally, the pain in the lower back to the left most often in elderly or of retirement age, but in recent years, this condition has a tendency to rejuvenate, now is often possible to meet the young patients complaining of back pain. What causes the lower back pain? Consider these factors in more detail.

the back pain

The causes of back pain on the left

The main causes of the onset of pain in the lower back on the left are the following:

  • the disease of the muscles;
  • pelvic inflammatory disease and retroperitoneal space;
  • the inflammation of the roots of the spinal cord;
  • injury and damage to the lumbar region;
  • the curvature of the spine;
  • the violation of posture.
  • pregnancy.

The clinical picture

The pain in the lumbar region left may be of a different nature and origin. The clinical picture depends on the cause of the onset of the pain. Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, the pain can wear dull or throbbing nature, disturb the patient constantly or sporadically. When the gallstone nature of the pain is paroxysmal in character, radiating to the perineum and the urinary organs.

The pain in the lumbar region left side may indicate inflammation of the ovaries in the woman, or be the first symptom of the evolution of the ectopic pregnancy. In the latter case, the pain would intensify and radiate in the region of the genitals, the anus, the perineum.

When the inflammation of the nerve roots of the lumbar spinal cord pain in the back, it can occur sporadically, under the influence of some factors:

  • the cooling of the organism;
  • sudden change of position of the body;
  • lift heavy weights;
  • stress.
the symptoms of pain

Generally, the patient feels pain in the lumbar region, pulling out of nature, and sometimes the patient can't even recover, so it takes the forced position of the body.

The pain of the lumbar region left, can occur in pregnant women increases the duration of the pregnancy and the growth of the abdomen. Growing uterus displaces the internal organs and increases the load on the lumbar spine, that the woman can disturb traction and a throbbing pain in the back. Important: if the pain is anecdotal and radiating to the sacrum and the perineum, it is necessary to consult the gynecologist, because these manifestations may indicate the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

The diagnosis of pain in the lower back on the left

To determine how to treat pain in the lower back to the left, the specialist must indicate the reason for occurrence of pain, and for this, the patient is assigned to a complete examination of the body, comprising:

  • urinalysis (general & samples) – identify the pathology of the urinary organs;
  • the blood tests (common and biochemistry);
  • ultrasound-pelvic and retroperitoneal space;
  • urography contrast;
  • the cystoscopy;
  • the x-rays;
  • the mri and ct;
  • a consultation with a specialist orthopedic surgeon, a neurologist, a surgeon.


The treatment of pain in the lower back to the left depends on the cause:

the causes of pain in the back
  • In case of inflammation of the sphere, gynecological women of illustrated by the observation of a gynaecologist and antibiotics. The drug is administered after the differentiation of infectious agents.
  • In cases of pyelonephritis and other inflammatory diseases of the organs mochevyvodjashie the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics, to drink plenty of fluids, in some cases, diuretics, multivitamin complex. The patient must necessarily follow a diet with restriction of salt and spices.
  • For back pain in a pregnant woman, you must exclude the beginning of contractions and to adjust the mode of work and rest. To reduce the load on the lumbar spine, it is recommended to wear a special bandage and put a lumbar pillow or a cushion.
  • In the case of sciatica or a worsening of the degenerative disease of the disk shows a treatment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and bed rest before delivering acute process. The patient is advised not to lift weights and not supercool.

By able to deliver to an inflammatory process in acute low back pain and sciatica prescribe massage, PHYSIOTHERAPY and manual therapy.

It is important to understand that the pain in the lower back to the left can signal serious diseases of internal organs, requiring immediate medical assistance, so self-medication is strictly prohibited! Apply the recipes of traditional medicine in case of pain in the lower back, you can, but only after a diagnosis by a professional and with the permission of the doctor.