Low back pain

Pain in the lower

If the evil dem back, this may indicate the presence of a variety of ailments. However, not all aware of the fact that such events are not always the consequence of disrupting the normal operation or injury of the spine. To not cause harm to the body, misinterpreted the symptoms and selecting an incorrect treatment, is worth the trouble to identify the exact cause of the pain.

Why wrong back mnt

The majority of cases of pain syndrome, localized directly in the lower back is really related to the state of the spine. According to the data of the health statistics, the more often the onset of pain cause of diseases, such as inflammatory disease, which contributes to reducing the mobility of the spine and low back pain. As to the "primary" factors are different degenerative changes and degenerative, occurring in the post of the vertebral column. In addition, one of the following reasons often lead to discomfort and pain in the lower back:

  • the impact of the diseases of the kidneys, hip, organs and infectious diseases;and
  • atypical appendicitis in the acute form, as well as various diseases of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract, including ulcers and intestinal;
  • dysfunction spinal blood supply, which are often the consequences of stroke;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal;
  • a long stay in the same position and the chronicity of hypothermia;
  • if the man fell on the back;
  • fractures and injuries of the spine.
 Why wrong back mnt

Syndrome pain localized in the lower back during pregnancy is not usually associated with mechanical injuries of the spine. Due to the increase of the load on multiple segments of the vertebral column (which is particularly important for the time), they have to "bend" and cause patients severe discomfort.

The disease of the region of the genito-urinary tract, changes in hormone levels, chronic stress, the continued tension on the muscles throughout the day, as well as the hernia between vertebrae in the same manner can be the causes of pain in the lower back.

How to define the exact cause of the pain lumbosacral

The pain in the lower back to the right, which bears the acute is most often associated with the constants of disorders of posture and length of stay in некомфортном position. In some cases, the syndrome of the pain localized in this area, can speak of a mismatch between the vertebrae disks. In addition, these events are often associated with overweight, obesity, and disorders in the functioning of the gastro-intestinal tract.

If the evil one mnt the back to the left, it is often the reports of serious pathological occurring in the body of the patient. This fact may speak of the existence of tuberculosis, degenerative disc disease in the chronic form, or the curvature of the spine. Similar to the pain syndrome is also associated with these diseases:

  • angina pectoris;
  • a severe form of acute pneumonia;
  • myocardial;
  • kidney stones.

In women the manifestations of pain in the lower part of the back is generally divided into two categories:

  1. Pulling pain, which are accompanied by deep feeling and can cause discomfort during a long period of time, say the more often the presence of inflammatory diseases of the internal organs, tendons and tissues.
  2. In the case of aggravation intense with the syndrome in a medical emergency. Such nuisance is often associated with the discovery of internal hemorrhage, rupture of an organ or of a peritonitis.

If the wife has a bad back and the belly at the same time, this fact is often related to an ectopic pregnancy. Expressed pain syndrome, which is accompanied by dizziness and nausea, can speak of an apoplexy (rupture) of the ovary. The syndrome of pain in the lumbar region is usually manifested in the form of chronic, acute pain, fortifying after a long stay in an uncomfortable position or high physical activity. If pain radiating in the leg, the need for diagnosis, as this may be the sign of in between the vertebrae of the hernia.

Hormonal changes, swelling and inflammation, which take place directly in the genito-urinary system, can be causes of pain in the lower back after menstruation. The uterus in this case, is often thrown back, which causes compression of the nerve endings and causes severe discomfort.

If the back of a tummy ache

Such symptoms characteristic of interstitial cystitis in the acute form and a number of other diseases related to urethra system. This problem usually affects the female part of the population, and the reason why it can hide problems with the intestines, аднекситом or ovarian cyst. Similar to the pain syndrome often manifests itself at menopause, because the body ceases to produce certain hormones in sufficient quantity.

If the back of a tummy ache
It is important! The receipt of pharmaceutical products to pain medications is only able to cut the manifestations of pain. However, this step does not work in the task of getting rid of the reasons of discomfort.

Other reasons

Many people experience a localized pain in the lower back, after workout or a physical stress intense. The main group at risk are the people who take care of contact to the water sports and various martial arts. The abundance of throws, jerky movements and failure of the fall often lead to dysfunction of the spinal cord and other damage. If the pain is significantly improved directly after training, is to take a break and take an appointment with the appropriate officer in care of the employee.

If the underside of the back is beginning to hurt after exercise with a bar, it may be these factors:

  1. In a bad back position. Some beginner athletes, who are looking to take immediately heavy weight too often bend the back, which causes a slipping of vertebra, and a series of other negative consequences.
  2. Very poor use. Therefore, the athletes who duly experience, it is recommended to use only a classic of the use of or apply special strap.
  3. Sudden, jerky movements. All the movements during the work with dumbbells and other sports projectiles, you have to try to respond gently.
 Other reasons
It is important! Before you begin the exercise with a bar, the best pre-strengthening of the muscles in the lower back with exercises for the lower back and other exercises of weight.

In men, the syndrome of pain, localized in the lower part of the back, it is often associated with a sedentary job, such as the driver or the operator of PC. However, the appearance of the discomfort and pain not only affects a sedentary lifestyle, but the physical constraints, without a good relaxation. Therefore, it is necessary to observe an optimal balance, alternating between a full-fledged activity of the relaxation.

What to do in case of pain in the lower back

Before you begin processing, you must define the exact cause of the pain. To install the most precisely as possible the diagnosis of a visit to the following doctors:

  • the therapist;
  • the gynaecologist;
  • proctologist;
  • the urologist;
  • the doctor's respiratory system;
  • cardiologist
  • the doctor responsible for the treatment of wounds and lesions syndromes;
  • the doctor who deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases;
  • gastroenterologist.

If the woman has a stomach ache and gives in the back, this is due may be to the menopause, and with the effects of stress and nervous disorders. In such cases, the pain syndrome is usually accompanied by irritability and mood change. If the aches in the lower abdomen and back once at the man, it is probably indicates the presence of an inflammatory process of the sphere, the genito-urinary tract in the chronic phase.

 What to do

In the case of a pain syndrome during walking, located in the lower part of the back, the penalty of surrender-general of the biochemical analysis, as well as to pass the mri and the diagnostic computer. On the basis of the results of current research, as well as complaints of the patient and visual inspection, the physician must assign the most appropriate treatment of the application of the pharmaceutical products and methods of manual therapy.

It is important! The pain in that area, the back, appearing after the massage, it can be quite normal consequence of a rush of blood to the normal to the division. However, in this case, if the discomfort and pain do not subside after a small period of time, is definitely worth it to talk to a doctor.

That coating problem in the case of the worsening of the pain? Usually in this kind of situations are named by combination of anti-inflammatory drugs and ointments and creams. If the patient does not suffer allergic reactions to apiculture products, can be assigned to products containing bee venom.

 How to get rid of the pain

How to get rid of bad events? First of all, you need to follow a posture throughout the day. Also it is necessary to pay regular attention to the execution of a year of physical therapy and a diet that includes:

  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • the natural plant oils;
  • the consumption of the banana, garlic, dried fruit, spinach, and a series of other products;

The diet should be accompanied by the abandonment of coffee, alcohol, strong tea, and the fat, roasted and smoked food. Excellent preventive measures are at the swimming pool and a daily walk in the open air.